It is possible to style the iFrame of the bpack Shipping Manager. In this article, the different possibilities are explained.

Open the General Settings via the Admin pannel and click on the "Layout" tab. 


The logo can be altered to your own logo and style. It will appear on two screens at the upper right corner of the screen. It is recommended to use the appropriate resolutions for the logo. In the screens below, the location of the logo which can be altered is indicated in the green rectangle. 


Colors of the iFrame

As the above screens show, it is possible to alter the colors of the iFrame. This will allow to reflect the screen better with the look & feel of your webshop. You can use hexadecimal color codes (format #ffffff) to adapt the screen. 

The following adaptations can be made: 

  • Back to shop button
  • Confirm button
  • Bar at the top + the available delivery methods
  • Bar on the right
  • Text of the delivery methods and the title at the top

You can use the add-on colorzilla to Chrome and Firefox to select the exact colors that are used on your website.