This FAQ describes the different possibilities and requirements that need to be taken into account when installing the bpost Shipping Manager Front-end module. 

Opening the Front-end

The Front-end can only be opened when the correct Javascript function is called. It is not possible to open the URL directly. This will always show an Error 2000-message. 

Please refer to the document available below on how to setup the connection. More information on the parameters can be found in the various articles here.

Showing the Front-end

There are three ways to show the Front-end. You should choose the most convenient way to integrate it into the website: 

  • Open the Shipping Manager Front-end as a pop-up
    In the checkout, on the page where the consumer normally enters his delivery address, add a button/radio button/link/... (e.g. "Please select your preferred delivery method"). Selecting this option opens a lightbox/fancybox containing the bpost Shipping Manager Front-end. We recommend to use the  "shipping address" as default address to pre-fill the fields (see above). Read more information on which parameters can be used in this FAQ . It will resize and is fully responsive. 

example of a lightbox integration

  • Open the Shipping Manager Front-end inline in your

    It is also possible to integrate the Front-end within the own webpage. This allows you to make the checkout even more transparent for the consumer. It will resize and is fully responsive. 


    Open the Shipping Manager Front-end full screen

    For some integrations it could be interesting to not integrate the Front-end into your own website and instead open it full screen. This solution may however be confusing towards the end user as there is no direct link between the Front-end and the web page. In case this solution is preferred, we recommend to alter the logo of bpost in the upright corner of the Front-end to the logo of your company. This will improve the trust of the end user. 

Closing the Front-end

When the end user has made his choice of the preferred delivery method or he clicks on the "back to shop" button, he will be redirected towards a page you have defined. By default, this is the webpage that is configured in the general settings. These return parameters can be overwritten when the Front-end request is done. Each of the parameters described in the FAQ returned parameters  can be used to update the checkout cart.