If you enable this option, labels are generated directly within Magento. It is not needed to use the bpost Shipping Manager for these tasks. Pop-ups must be enabled in your browser, in order to view the printed labels.
If you disable this option, an order will be still be made in the bpost Shipping Manager at the time a visitor completes the checkout process. But you will need to manage the labels in the bpost Shipping Manager, the bpost order overviews will not be available in Magento.
The easiest option for the setting “Use Magento to manage labels” for most shopkeepers is “Yes”. But if you choose to not manage your labels in Magento, an extra webservice call is placed at the end of the order creating in the frontend.
Because labels will not be managed in the Magento backend, an order is created in the bpost Shipping Manager when a Magento order is created, when the checkout is completed.
If this webservice call fails, the checkout process will continue, the visitor will not see a difference. The error is logged in bpost.log and an email is sent to the email address that is configured in the default Magento setting :
“System >> Configuration >> General >> Store Email Addresses >> General Contact”.
How to generate labels with bpost Magento plugin:
In your Magento Admin Panel, go to Sales – bpost Orders – All bpost orders.
Follow these 3 steps to generate a bpost label:
1) Check the boxes of the orders you want to create a label for
2) In the Actions dropdown menu, select Generate Label and Complete
3) Submit
Note that if you check the order, then click on View, and then "Ship", this will create a Magento shipment, but not a bpost shipment !! >> not correct !!