To be able to use bpost as a carrier to deliver your parcels, you need to match the PrestaShop countries you want to ship to (including Belgium) with the countries you are contractually allowed to ship according to your bpost contract (i.e. the countries foreseen in your Shipping Manager set-up).Check how to configure your interntional countries in Shipping Manager here.


In order to enable the countries in your Shipping Manager for your customers via PrestaShop: 

  1. Select the countries you want to ship to (including Belgium) and enable them in your PrestaShop admin interface. Be wary not to enable PrestaShop countries that are not covered by your bpost contract in Shipping Manager.
  2. Create one or more Prestashop Zones. For practical reasons, it is advised to create a zone “Belgium”.
  3. Assign every enabled PrestaShop Country to a Prestashop Zone. Multiple PrestaShop Countries can be linked to one Prestashop Zone. Link the PrestaShop country Belgium to Prestashop Zone Belgium.
  4. For the carrier bpost in the shipping menu of the PrestaShop admin interface, you can now – for every bpost delivery method – select which zones are allowed for which delivery method, and what the tariff for your customer is for that delivery method in that Zone. Please note that, bpost delivery at a Pick-up Point or at a Parcel Locker should only be made available for Prestashop Zone Belgium.

This tariff is the tariff used to calculate the shipping cost of your customer’s basket – it is the only tariff that is visible to your customer.

PS: the plugin required to work with the 3 bpost Prestashop carriers installed by default with the plugin. You can't delete them or create new ones under risk of desynchronization between the bpost plugin and the carriers leading to breakdown the orders. In case of desynchronisation please refer to this article.

You customer is now able to order a delivery for the countries you enabled at the tariff you entered. Upon confirmation of his order/printing of the label, the matching bpost instruction will sent to Shipping Manager.

Please do verify that you do not activate PrestaShop Zones/PrestaShop countries for courrier bpost, if the country is not supported in your Shipping Manager set-up.

More info and some example screens can be found in attachment:
- How to set up and configure in case of PrestaShop 1.4;

- How to set up and configure in case of PrestaShop 1.5 & 1.6;

- How to configure the bpost Shipping Manager backend.